Fearless Captivations


  • Custom Theme Development
  • Instagram Integration
  • WordPress Security
  • Theme Update
  • Mobile & Tablet Focus


When i was reached out about doing this website, the website was in need of a more focused facelift. A way for the user to easily access the many different categories and have a bigger focus on the photos due to this being a travel and food blog.


Going into this, building it, the primary focus had to be the images, being a travel blog I built the them to be around the images. It had to also look great on mobile and tablet with a clean look. Working with the client, she wanted something easy to use, easy to change stuff from the sidebar to the slider. It all depended on her having full control.


The client was very worried about costs and time and having to get it out under a time crunch but with the updated look, and new design. The client was very happy with the new look as well as the additional security due to issues in the past with keeping it safe and secure while updated at the same time. Be sure to check out her blog for travels and food.