Setting Up WordPress On Your Phone

Probably one of the biggest surprises I get asked nowadays is “How do I set up wordpress on my phone?” Now this is very simple, if you have a iphone, ipad, android phone or tablet you will be able to simply download an app for it.


1. Download the app for android here or for iOS devices here.

2. After you have it downloaded and installed, you will be presented with 3 options.


If you don’t have a blog at, but you have your own wordpress website with a blog then you have to add a self hosted blog.

You will then be brought to a new screen where you enter in your website URL, username and password.

After that you will be brought to your typical wordpress screen where you can edit posts, pages and other stuff.





Now if you are unable to get the app to work, make sure you are running above wordpress 3.5 for iOS or 3.6 for Android.

If you are not able to download the app, then you could be using an older version of Android or iOS.

If you are getting a sync error, it could be because you don’t have a high enough permissions or the administrator for the blog has the mobile blogging set to off.

Certain AD Blockers for Android can cause issues with the wordpress app. Make sure you clear the app to run also just incase you are also running security on your phone.


I really hope this clears up a few things cause I always get asked by people “I don’t want to write only on my desktop and I hate the mobile version.” Well here you go, these are definitely your best options to go when you want to write and post blog posts especially if you are on the go and your writing some vacation stuff. Anyways, I hope you are having a great easter, please take care and have a great rest of your sunday.


Download the app for android here or for iOS devices here.