Tag: wordpress

Coding , Life , Soapbox

What is a Set Up Job

This is a term I use when it comes to building a website. Many of the clients I meet who have great ideas for their website but then do not like the revelation of the actual cost to building a website, or maybe in some cases they are just starting...

June 18, 2017

I am now a WPEngine Affiliate

Well surprise surprise, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was getting myself into. But I am now a WordPress Engine Affiliate. What does that mean? It means I have placed an ad block in the bottom right on my posts page for anyone. What does this mean for you? Well...

February 21, 2016
Coding , Life

Swifting Gears

See what I did there? Yeah? Yeah? Anyway, sorry for the absence but I have been very much involved in learning Swift. Now why is this important? It is what Apple is moving towards and this is definitely something I want to learn. I want to jump on board the...

January 23, 2016
Coding , Plugins

OneNote Integration Comes To WordPress

Now in a recent turn of events, OneNote Integration has come to WordPress. That’s right, Microsoft’s note taking app has come to WordPress. Now I haven’t been able to completely use it yet. But from what it seems, it seems like you just blog on a onenote page then you...

May 24, 2015

Rip It Apart – A Lesson in Learning

Probably one of the biggest questions I get asked in wordpress development or even by other coders is “how did they do that?” which often refers to a cool effect, or how a website pulls off some very insane over the top effect. Such as 3D parallax, a crazy menu,...

May 17, 2015

WordPress 4.0 Out Now

The newest version of WordPress arrived a few days ago and features some newly implement stuff that I know many people have been clamoring for these days. From the media grid, to the new embed that people have been asking for this is definitely a great update for wordpress. The...

September 7, 2014

WordPress Experiment: Parallax With Muse

So I have been trying to learn about more about Parallax design, and for lack of a better term. It is a programming and design feat. Parallax is a one page website that animates in crazy ways when you scroll to the bottom. You will see this with products being...

June 14, 2014

WordPress Problems: Spam Comments

Spam is definitely a huge problems nowadays. If you are a blogger or anyone that runs a wordpress website, then you have probably run into spam comments. Now one of the best things  I can tell you is that there is a way to get everything under control. Now one...

May 11, 2014

Welcome to my World.

Development is something I do, the web is a place I know. I have spent for what seems like a third of my life developing, learning, and expanding my knowledge of the web. I have reached a turning point in my career where I have decided I would like to...

April 10, 2014