How to Set Up a Fresh WordPress Install
Many times, I will get asked the question about why I don’t use those one click installs for web apps like wordpress, drupal or joomla. The reason why I don’t use them is because they have proven to cause issues when you try to move them over to another hosting account. I always use fresh installs cause when it comes time to move a install from one hosting to another, I ended up having to remove the plugins completely among other issues.
Now lets get started…
Step 1-Download the WordPress Install
Get the zip files from wordpress.org not wordpress.com and unzip the folder.
Step 2-Create a sub domain.
Now depending on your hosting account, you will have to add a new subdomain. Add it to your main domain you use or whatever one you want, now if you are going to use the main domain and aren’t building a test site…then you can skip this step. I would say this is mainly for the people who want to build a test site and don’t want people to see it quite yet.
Step 3-Upload the wordpress files via FTP
Log into your website via FTP using filezilla or whatever you use to access your websites files. Navigate to your folder that has your new domains name. Open it and drop in the files from the wordpress zip folder and let it upload.
Now I bet you are wondering why I do the FTP drop first? Its cause it could take a little bit of time before everything moves over.
Step 4-Create a SQL database and Assign a User.
Create a new database and name it whatever you want. Whatever makes it easier for you to remember the database name. NOW this is very important, you gotta make a username and password for the sql database. This will allow wordpress to write everything to the SQL tables. Now after you create a database you have to ASSIGN the user to the database cause this will be important very soon. Be sure when you assign this user to the database, you grant ALL THE PERMISSIONS. ALL OF THEM Don’t skimp out.
Step 5- Run the INSTALL!
So when you type in the URL after the install is done, you will get a screen like this.
This is where the logins will go.
You will need the database name you create and the username and password. The database host for most hosting accounts is just set to localhost. I have only accounted a few times where I had to put in a URL which has been very rare.
Now I haven’t ever had to change the table prefix from what it is set to.
Please keep in mind that everything is CASE SENSATIVE.What this screen is, is the wp-config creator. You are basically creating the standard wp-config file that goes with wordpress. If you get the whoops screen, that means you entered in the password wrong or the database name or username.
If you get the success screen you will just assign the name, and the login and email. Then you are done.
See you Space Cowboy…