Tag: review


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But now the rains weep o’er his hall…with no one there to hear…. #austin #weather #lumia1020 A photo posted by Orlando Villarreal (@commandzer01) on Apr 4, 2014 at 11:34am PDT   wenty eight years ago I was born, and here I am celebrating another year completed, another rotation around our...

December 17, 2014

Surface Pro 3…A Month or so Later

Surface Pro 3…surface pro 3…surface PRO 3…its been quite a while since the 3rd generation of the surface series came out. And we both know that when we get a new piece of tech or even a car, we are sucked into that awesomeness of that new smell and all...

August 9, 2014
Life , Reviews

My Thoughts on the Movie “Her”

So after much of a delay, I had been able to successfully watch the movie that I have been looking forward to for a while. My expectations going in were very sparse if you could say that. The only thing I had going in was the trailer and the basic...

May 19, 2014