
Book Review: Automating Salesforce Marketing Cloud
I am returning to my book reviews, and what better way to start then with a book centered around what I currently do. Automating Salesforce Marketing Cloud, as always, I will dive into who this book is for and what I took away from it.

Texas Dreaming 2023 Announcement
What is texas dreaming you asked? It’s a Salesforce event for all of Texas to come and learn about more Salesforce, its for networking, meeting people, shaking hands, and overall a pretty good event that takes place over 2 days.

Can I work from an iPad? Salesforce Marketing Cloud Edition
On the advent of the new year, one of the most surprising things I was asked was “Can you do your job from an iPad?”. This got me thinking…could I? or couldn’t I? That is the question. Looking at what my iPad Pro can do with the M1 chip…it got me very curious so I got to testing.

Is Psychohistory possible in today’s age?
With the premiere of Foundation on Apple TV back on September 24, 2021 as well as rewatching the show. It got me thinking back to 2003 when I read Issac Asimov’s Science Fiction epic. I began to rethink of the feelings I had about prediction planning and how maybe in a century this might be possible…cue the time skip to 18 years later.

Time Off
A sabbatical, time off, mental recovery, vacation, R & R or rest and relaxation are all terms used to describe times when we need to gather ourselves and focus on a mental recharge. One of the things I wish to discuss is when and how often you should be taking a mental recharge and why I decided to take some time to myself before jumping to the new job.

A Great Man Doesn’t Seek to Lead. He’s called to it

Should We Embrace a Self Driving Future?
Self-driving in cars is becoming the new feature that is being added to nearly every new car, Tesla started the trend but now we see in Toyota, Honda and Ford is that self-driving is becoming the new must have feature.

What Happens with Working Now?
One of the things that I see popping up is what is going to happen about work from home. Should companies continue with allowing work from home? Or should we transition back to an office? And the route forward with what to do after COVID isn’t one path but several. Let me explain in this blog.

iPad Pro 12.9 2021 Review

My Thoughts on Apples Spring Loaded Event
With another spring we get another Apple event. This time its called “Spring Loaded” which they had on 4/20…which they totally should of called it “Spring Baked” but I digress, this is one of Apples few conferences this year where they show off their new products coming out within that cycle. This spring event definitely caught me off guard with some of its new products so let’s get into it.

I Want to Learn to Code: Swift App design / development
Its 2021 and maybe you made a new year’s resolution for yourself to learn to code, maybe you have an app idea. Or maybe you lost your job and want to gain a new skill or maybe you just want to try something new. In my new series I will be breaking down a number of resources you could use to learn how to code and describe what goes into said development.

Book Review: Leading Creative Teams
What makes a creative lead? Is it someone who understands design? Someone who knows how to fake it till they make it? What turns a creative into a creative director? Is it something people have versus what others might not have? Due to my background, I have been on Creative Teams, I have assisted with leading creative teams. But what makes a Creative Director excel? Well, I bought a book that was part of a Humble Bundle and I decided on diving in, let’s find out what I thought of it.

My Top Ten Horror Video Games

Review: Python Crash Course
The Python Crash Course book is essentially a bootcamp put into a book. This is a very lengthy book, it isn’t something you can do overnight but is something that can take weeks and weeks because there is a lot to cover. It goes from not knowing code to building your own websites in Python. This is for the beginners who are trying to dive into something new.

A Certification Does Not Guarantee a Job
Knowledge of a system vs experience with a system are two vastly different things. Going through a boot camp and gaining a certification is not necessarily experience. Instead what that is is knowledge.

Review: Navigating Hybrid Scrum Environments
In being in doors a lot lately and catching up on my humble bundle reading and wanting to learn more knowledge about scrum.I decided to dive into this book about navigating hybrid scrum environments by Frederik M. Fowler , feel free to check out my review and if you decide on buying it, I have provided links to all the digital bookstores below.

Working From Home: Part 4 – Questions and Answers
I have received quite a number of questions concerning things with working from home. And so compiling them over the past few weeks, I have decided to write a blog with all the questions and answers for when it comes to working from home.

How I studied for Marketing Cloud Exam
Here are a few of the tools and the places I used to study the content for the Salesforce Marketing Cloud Email Specialist test.

A Thought:Where Society Might Go After The Coronavirus
With these trying times, I have been asked about where do I think society as a whole is going and with all these companies changing their ways and workers adjusting. I have been asked what happens after all this virus is over? What will happen to society as a whole. Well here are a few ideas I have of where it could all lead.

Working From Home: Part 3 – Ways To Stay Mentally and Physical Fit
One of the biggest questions I have gotten from people is how do I stay mentally and physically fit while being cooped up all day. Being indoors a lot more than normal and having to adjust your way of living can take a huge toll on people, it is taxing on the mind so this is why I am talking about the apps / things I do to keep myself focused and physically fit. Also just for the record, I think the reason why I been so ok with being cooped up all day is because I am mentally training for space travel.