Tag: adobe

Design , Typography

Font change!

I got bored this weekend and decided to do some changes to the fonts around my website. Now I decided to go with the standard google fonts. I often find that google fonts are the easiest to deal with. I have dealt with installing fonts, using them through adobe font...

August 18, 2014

When in doubt draw your wireframe

This might sound crazy but sometimes going back and drawing out your wireframe for a website can sometimes help you build a lot easier. Especially when you get into the situation of Div’s in div’s in div’s. Now I think some of the basics you can go back to is...

August 3, 2014

WordPress Experiment: Parallax With Muse

So I have been trying to learn about more about Parallax design, and for lack of a better term. It is a programming and design feat. Parallax is a one page website that animates in crazy ways when you scroll to the bottom. You will see this with products being...

June 14, 2014

Surface Pro 3…Third Times a Charm

So today, Microsoft held a conference showing off its new generation of their Surface series known as now Surface Pro 3. After watching the press conference and seeing what they have done in terms of design and what its packing I honestly believe Microsoft is going in the right direction....

May 21, 2014