Tag: developer

Coding , Reviews

App Review: Swift Playgrounds

With the ever expanding world of Swift and the fact that I recently purchased a new iPad. I have gone full steam ahead with learning Swift since iOS has fully shifted over into Swift, well maybe shifting. Swift is becoming more and more of a focal point for Apple and...

May 16, 2017
Coding , Soapbox

Vetting A Freelance Developer

The other night I went to the Austin WordPress group. It was very casual and very friendly. One of the users pointed out to me that their website was made by someone who wasn’t a developer and in turn ended up with a very poor website. I realized from this...

November 30, 2016

What Makes Someone a Great Developer

I always seem to get asked this question. What does it take for someone to become a great developer? Well after putting many thoughts into it I believe there are many things that make a great developer and set people above the rest. THE WILLINGNESS TO LEARN MORE There usually...

August 9, 2015

Rip It Apart – A Lesson in Learning

Probably one of the biggest questions I get asked in wordpress development or even by other coders is “how did they do that?” which often refers to a cool effect, or how a website pulls off some very insane over the top effect. Such as 3D parallax, a crazy menu,...

May 17, 2015

My Thoughts on Build 2015

Now for those of you who don’t know, Microsoft held their developers conference this week. Its known as Build. And as you can guess it was a big year for Microsoft, they definitely showed off how the company is changing and evolving into something for the better. Microsoft used to...

May 3, 2015

End< /27 ><28>Start

But now the rains weep o’er his hall…with no one there to hear…. #austin #weather #lumia1020 A photo posted by Orlando Villarreal (@commandzer01) on Apr 4, 2014 at 11:34am PDT   wenty eight years ago I was born, and here I am celebrating another year completed, another rotation around our...

December 17, 2014
Coding , Tools of the Trade

Tools of The Trade: Codepen

Another week, another tool. I haven’t done one of these in a while, so I hope you can forgive me. But this week I have a very special tool for you. It’s called Code Pen. This is another tool that is for front end developers. Its more a interactive sharing...

November 16, 2014
Coding , Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade:Litmus

When you are a developer, you often have to do cross browser testing, or email testing cause sooner or later you are probably going to need to test it on multiple email clients from outlook to Gmail to even in some rare cases…lotus notes. Using a program like Litmus or...

July 27, 2014
Coding , Life

Is HTML Enough to Build A Website?

Now that question is something I always get asked…”Orlando I am learning HTML…can I build a website now?” Well to put it bluntly…NOOOOO. HTML was the only thing you needed to know when the movie space jam came out. But now websites have evolved past that. The Web isn’t just...

May 18, 2014