Tag: Development

Coding , Tools of the Trade

The Importance Of Salesforce

Many people might dismiss Salesfore as something that isn’t important; however, that being said as a front end web developer this is something you will encounter, and you should learn and fully figure out how to use. I won’t be able to post screenshots from the Salesforce Dashboards because it...

February 15, 2016
Coding , Tools of the Trade

What is SASS?

No I am not talking about being sassy, I am talking about SASS or Systematically Awesome Style sheets, which is quickly being adopted as the new way to code your style sheets. Yes, there is now a kind of sort of quicker to code style sheets. I would say this...

November 3, 2015

Front End Vs. Back End and Then Some

There is always a big misconception with web developers and developers in general. I can not stop saying this enough. Now I bet you are wondering what is the difference between the two? A front end developer vs a back end developer? Well lets get started. Front End Developer-Everything you...

June 14, 2015

Rip It Apart – A Lesson in Learning

Probably one of the biggest questions I get asked in wordpress development or even by other coders is “how did they do that?” which often refers to a cool effect, or how a website pulls off some very insane over the top effect. Such as 3D parallax, a crazy menu,...

May 17, 2015

End< /27 ><28>Start

But now the rains weep o’er his hall…with no one there to hear…. #austin #weather #lumia1020 A photo posted by Orlando Villarreal (@commandzer01) on Apr 4, 2014 at 11:34am PDT   wenty eight years ago I was born, and here I am celebrating another year completed, another rotation around our...

December 17, 2014
Coding , Tools of the Trade

Tools of The Trade: Codepen

Another week, another tool. I haven’t done one of these in a while, so I hope you can forgive me. But this week I have a very special tool for you. It’s called Code Pen. This is another tool that is for front end developers. Its more a interactive sharing...

November 16, 2014
Coding , Life

Panel Question: Which Platform First?

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Rooster Teeth Expo in Austin, Texas. For those of you who don’t know what RTX is, it’s an exposition put on by the company who made Red vs Blue years ago. I have been working on building an app...

July 13, 2014
Tools of the Trade

Tools of The Trade: Smashing Magazine

I get asked often what are some good design websites to follow. Probably one of my biggest and favorite ones that I follow is Smashing Magazine. Its a design website that puts out a great design book called “The Smashing Book“. This is definitely a book every designer should at...

June 29, 2014

WordPress Experiment: Parallax With Muse

So I have been trying to learn about more about Parallax design, and for lack of a better term. It is a programming and design feat. Parallax is a one page website that animates in crazy ways when you scroll to the bottom. You will see this with products being...

June 14, 2014

A Coders Impressions On Silicon Valley

The first season of Silicon Valley has ended, and with it I definitely found it to be most enjoyable. Many times I will also see movies and TV shows show off coding and “hacking” as a fun activity. Many windows of awesome opening and closing, with magical presses of the...

June 7, 2014
Coding , Life

Is HTML Enough to Build A Website?

Now that question is something I always get asked…”Orlando I am learning HTML…can I build a website now?” Well to put it bluntly…NOOOOO. HTML was the only thing you needed to know when the movie space jam came out. But now websites have evolved past that. The Web isn’t just...

May 18, 2014


Probably one of the biggest mistakes and errors I see in web development is the way websites set set their page links. Now when you are set a link that links to another page or section on the website you always want to have it without a page pop up...

May 8, 2014
Coding , Design

Why Responsive Is Important

Responsive is different from a mobile site, lets just get that out of the way. A mobile website is specifically built for mobile. Where a responsive website builds to the screen dimensions. Most people I have seen forgo responsive designs and or development. The reason for this is cost, time...

May 3, 2014

Welcome to my World.

Development is something I do, the web is a place I know. I have spent for what seems like a third of my life developing, learning, and expanding my knowledge of the web. I have reached a turning point in my career where I have decided I would like to...

April 10, 2014