
Coding , Plugins

OneNote Integration Comes To WordPress

Now in a recent turn of events, OneNote Integration has come to WordPress. That’s right, Microsoft’s note taking app has come to WordPress. Now I haven’t been able to completely use it yet. But from what it seems, it seems like you just blog on a onenote page then you...

May 24, 2015

Rip It Apart – A Lesson in Learning

Probably one of the biggest questions I get asked in wordpress development or even by other coders is “how did they do that?” which often refers to a cool effect, or how a website pulls off some very insane over the top effect. Such as 3D parallax, a crazy menu,...

May 17, 2015

My Thoughts on Build 2015

Now for those of you who don’t know, Microsoft held their developers conference this week. Its known as Build. And as you can guess it was a big year for Microsoft, they definitely showed off how the company is changing and evolving into something for the better. Microsoft used to...

May 3, 2015
Coding , Life

SXSW: The Many Kinds of Coders

If you have been wondering where I have been over the past weeks. Well I have been involved heavily with South by Southwest or SXSW. Probably one of my favorite moments was going to a HTML 5 meet up and meeting the many different kinds of coders out there. And...

March 19, 2015

Tips for Newsletter Coding

If you are a web developer, sooner or later you are going to run into the issue that you will have to build a email newsletter. Like it or not, every developer I know has had to code a email newsletter that goes out to a ton of people. Here...

February 21, 2015
Coding , Tools of the Trade

Tools of The Trade: Codepen

Another week, another tool. I haven’t done one of these in a while, so I hope you can forgive me. But this week I have a very special tool for you. It’s called Code Pen. This is another tool that is for front end developers. Its more a interactive sharing...

November 16, 2014

WordPress 4.0 Out Now

The newest version of WordPress arrived a few days ago and features some newly implement stuff that I know many people have been clamoring for these days. From the media grid, to the new embed that people have been asking for this is definitely a great update for wordpress. The...

September 7, 2014

When in doubt draw your wireframe

This might sound crazy but sometimes going back and drawing out your wireframe for a website can sometimes help you build a lot easier. Especially when you get into the situation of Div’s in div’s in div’s. Now I think some of the basics you can go back to is...

August 3, 2014
Coding , Tools of the Trade

Tools of the Trade:Litmus

When you are a developer, you often have to do cross browser testing, or email testing cause sooner or later you are probably going to need to test it on multiple email clients from outlook to Gmail to even in some rare cases…lotus notes. Using a program like Litmus or...

July 27, 2014
Coding , Life

If Your Website Breaks…Stay Calm

Eventually every developer runs into the good old fashion website breaking. A sql table goes missing, a php file gets deleted. Or in my personal favorite moment, you leave a open brackets, parenthesis, quote, etc etc and it causes the entire page to not load right. Never be afraid of...

July 21, 2014
Coding , Life

Panel Question: Which Platform First?

This past weekend, I had the pleasure of speaking at the Rooster Teeth Expo in Austin, Texas. For those of you who don’t know what RTX is, it’s an exposition put on by the company who made Red vs Blue years ago. I have been working on building an app...

July 13, 2014

ArnoldC is exactly what you think it is.

You gotta give it to programmers, they definitely come up with the most creative things. Well I thought Austrian Death Machine was cool when they based their heavy metal lyrics on Arnold Schwarzenegger quotes, and now someone on github has released a programming language that is based around exactly that. Like...

June 19, 2014

WordPress Experiment: Parallax With Muse

So I have been trying to learn about more about Parallax design, and for lack of a better term. It is a programming and design feat. Parallax is a one page website that animates in crazy ways when you scroll to the bottom. You will see this with products being...

June 14, 2014

A Coders Impressions On Silicon Valley

The first season of Silicon Valley has ended, and with it I definitely found it to be most enjoyable. Many times I will also see movies and TV shows show off coding and “hacking” as a fun activity. Many windows of awesome opening and closing, with magical presses of the...

June 7, 2014
Coding , Life

Is HTML Enough to Build A Website?

Now that question is something I always get asked…”Orlando I am learning HTML…can I build a website now?” Well to put it bluntly…NOOOOO. HTML was the only thing you needed to know when the movie space jam came out. But now websites have evolved past that. The Web isn’t just...

May 18, 2014

WordPress Problems: Spam Comments

Spam is definitely a huge problems nowadays. If you are a blogger or anyone that runs a wordpress website, then you have probably run into spam comments. Now one of the best things  I can tell you is that there is a way to get everything under control. Now one...

May 11, 2014


Probably one of the biggest mistakes and errors I see in web development is the way websites set set their page links. Now when you are set a link that links to another page or section on the website you always want to have it without a page pop up...

May 8, 2014
Coding , Design

Why Responsive Is Important

Responsive is different from a mobile site, lets just get that out of the way. A mobile website is specifically built for mobile. Where a responsive website builds to the screen dimensions. Most people I have seen forgo responsive designs and or development. The reason for this is cost, time...

May 3, 2014