Coder, Gamer, Nerd

Life , Soapbox

App Spotlight: Countable

Recently I have discovered an app that has been making some headway in this politically charged world. Currently Countable is picking up speed due to the fact it makes government and tracking what your reps and the entire congress are doing and voting on simple to keep tabs on. Yes it...

January 23, 2017
Tools of the Trade

Apps for Your Privacy

I have been getting asked a lot lately about privacy and  what apps will be most secure when browsing, searching or messaging on the net. Privacy seems to be becoming more and more of a must have thing. People these days like knowing they aren’t being snooped on or watched on...

January 16, 2017
Life , Soapbox

Web and Tech Predictions for 2017

What a year it was for the web and technology but where will it go in 2017? 2016 saw the advent of connectivity, responsive and simple. I believe 2017 will usher in some even more big changes into the tech and web. Here are my thoughts on where it is all...

December 29, 2016
Life , Soapbox

Three Point O

The Earth’s orbit around the sun is 940 million kilometers. I have done this 30 times. What has happened in this rotation cycle? Well a lot of growing up and watching things change vastly this year. “I’m sorry Tony…but he’s my friend…”- Steve Rogers 2016 will probably go down as...

December 16, 2016
Coding , Soapbox

Vetting A Freelance Developer

The other night I went to the Austin WordPress group. It was very casual and very friendly. One of the users pointed out to me that their website was made by someone who wasn’t a developer and in turn ended up with a very poor website. I realized from this...

November 30, 2016
Coding , Life , ReactJS

React This

Step 1: Read When you are a developer, we all must learn something new. I have been recently spending time with learning ReactJS. It is supposed to be a new way to build and develop UI based websites a lot faster. Instead of writing a ton of JavaScript code files,...

November 21, 2016
Life , Soapbox

The Importance Of Meet Ups

There is a important thing in being a developer, and that is meet ups. Meet ups are a great way to network and to see that there are many different kinds of developers out there. I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that all developers live in their parents...

October 23, 2016
Life , Soapbox

The State Of Apple (Part 1)

Innovation. Innovation is what Apple use to drive, from the start of a full touch screen phone, adding a front facing camera and accelerators to even adding fingerprint unlock, and then creating the iPad that paved the way for the tablet world. Now with the iPhone 7 releasing in the...

September 23, 2016
Coding , Reviews

App Review: Mimo

TO LEARN OR NOT TO LEARN From the makers of Swiftly and Javvy, comes a new app to learn to program called Mimo. It functions very much the same way as the original ones do. It’s a step by step learning system that you can do at your own pace…but is...

September 19, 2016
Life , Reviews

Windows 10 Anniversary Update Impressions

  So recently Microsoft released its massive update for Windows 10 and it’s called Anniversary Update. Or if you are like me who use to do IT work back in the day…it’s a service pack. This is all part of Microsoft’s plan to turn Windows into a seamless operating system...

August 5, 2016

What Happens To Windows Phone Now?

With the failure of Microsoft’s mobile platform otherwise known as Windows Phone or Windows Mobile or whatever they change it to in hopes of helping it push the brand for some reason has become more than 5 percent of the overall market barely above Blackberry. My belief into the reason...

June 5, 2016
Coding , Life

You Get What You Pay For

A while back I was meeting with someone who wanted my help building a new complete website. We talked, we discussed, and when they asked how many hours, I gave them the hours which was 20-40. And I gave them the price and they were like ‘whoa whoa whoa’. They...

April 11, 2016

WordPress Plugins – WP Rollback 

Sooner or later you will run into a plugin update that will break everything. Maybe it’s not compatible with the new version of WordPress. Or maybe the plugin is breaking something with another plugin you use. all WordPress developers will run into this. And it’s very important that you realize...

March 31, 2016

Let’s stop the mile long job requirements

If you are one of the many people out there searching for a job, you probably use job search engines like Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, or even Craigslist. I always look on the job boards to see what the growing trends are and what people are asking for lately in the...

March 2, 2016

I am now a WPEngine Affiliate

Well surprise surprise, I wasn’t exactly sure what I was getting myself into. But I am now a WordPress Engine Affiliate. What does that mean? It means I have placed an ad block in the bottom right on my posts page for anyone. What does this mean for you? Well...

February 21, 2016
Coding , Tools of the Trade

The Importance Of Salesforce

Many people might dismiss Salesfore as something that isn’t important; however, that being said as a front end web developer this is something you will encounter, and you should learn and fully figure out how to use. I won’t be able to post screenshots from the Salesforce Dashboards because it...

February 15, 2016

Developers, Protect Yourself

If you are like the many developers out there, sooner or later you will probably eventually work for a company. Hopefully in doing so you won’t get paired with the wrong agency or company because that could be terrible even if it does mean a steady paycheck. When applying for...

February 15, 2016
Coding , Life

Swifting Gears

See what I did there? Yeah? Yeah? Anyway, sorry for the absence but I have been very much involved in learning Swift. Now why is this important? It is what Apple is moving towards and this is definitely something I want to learn. I want to jump on board the...

January 23, 2016

CES 2016 Predictions

With CES right around the corner I thought I would take the time to show off some predictions of where I think the tech world is going. Now I ain’t going to predict a specific product for a brand but more of the overall idea of where we are going...

January 3, 2016

Coming In 2016…

With 2016 right around the corner. I decided I should write a blog post with what you can expect in the new year. With the help of a few of my friends, there will be more guests and way more interviews in the coming future. I have had several developers...

December 24, 2015

Why Do We Fall?

Just coming in under the wire I suppose, every year I write a blog about what happened, some of it good and some of it bad but mostly good. This year however was a year of many trials and fall after fall after fall. This year was definitely a year...

December 17, 2015

Review: Microsoft Wireless Display Adapter

Continuing with my next product review. I recently was gifted the wireless adapter for the surface series. Now for those of you who do not know what miracasting is. It’s when you are able to project your screen from your phone or tablet or computer even onto a tv. This...

December 6, 2015

My Thoughts on The Expanse

So anyone who has seen any television ever will agree that the first episode will say a lot about a show, from Lost to Game of Thrones. TV shows have to make a impression in order for anyone to continue watching them. A while back SyFy released a series called...

November 29, 2015

Review: Surface Dock

So recently my parents surprised me with a early birthday gift. Cause for those of you who don’t know I got rid of my desktop and got a new Surface Pro 3, so they surprised me with a few things for my surface. So expect a review on the other...

November 27, 2015
Designer Spotlight , Life

Designer Spotlight: Tamar Nicole

I don’t just know developers but also designers. So lets talk design, because every good website needs a good designer behind it. This is where my friend Tamar Nicole comes into play. She is big into working with non profits and philanthropy organizations. Which if you don’t know is a good thing....

November 15, 2015

Behind Enemy Lines: My Month With An iPhone

So yes I still haven’t dropped the iPhone I have. Or I haven’t’ thrown it across a wall because everyone knows how I am about apple products or just apple in general. Well lets discuss my one month anniversary with this iPhone. I think one of the crazy things that...

November 14, 2015
Coding , Tools of the Trade

What is SASS?

No I am not talking about being sassy, I am talking about SASS or Systematically Awesome Style sheets, which is quickly being adopted as the new way to code your style sheets. Yes, there is now a kind of sort of quicker to code style sheets. I would say this...

November 3, 2015

First Impressions: Lumia 950 XL

  So recently Microsoft showed off its new Lumia line, the 950 and the 950 XL. Currently I have a Lumia 1020, and I have a lot of questions when it comes to competition with the god power of my current phones camera. Well… the 1020 use to be the...

October 10, 2015

Why the iPad Pro Left Me Eh.

Looking over the iPad pro. I had very high hopes that the new iPad experience was going to be something more than its tablet counterpart…but alas I was wrong oh so wrong. I think one of the biggest things I was expecting out of the ipad pro was definitely a...

October 1, 2015

Heres a Tip: Disconnect

Every so often, as a developer or as anyone in general we come to a point where we must disconnect. We must stop doing with always being connected. I see many times people burning themselves out, pushing themselves beyond the brink. I have seen developers literally burn themselves down into...

September 13, 2015
Coding , Design

Windows Or Mac? Don’t Pick A Side

I ain’t talking about mac and cheese. Many days, there is a war going on between people. You are either a Windows person or you are a Mac person. Personally, if I were you. I would learn to use both. Put aside the fanboy stuff and why wouldn’t you want...

August 30, 2015

What I Wish I Had In College

I always hear about older people saying “these kids nowadays.” Well now that I look on it, I do realize that when it comes to tech. I really wish I had a few of the things I use now that have basically saved my ass on more than one occasion....

August 23, 2015

What Makes Someone a Great Developer

I always seem to get asked this question. What does it take for someone to become a great developer? Well after putting many thoughts into it I believe there are many things that make a great developer and set people above the rest. THE WILLINGNESS TO LEARN MORE There usually...

August 9, 2015